
At Primark International Academy pupils and students are given ample opportunities to develop their talents in various aspects of life. Good wide plain ground for playing football during Physical Education/Sports periods, a modern court for basketball, handball, Volley ball and badminton. A standard table tennis set, diverse  games that improves the learners intelligent quotient like Chess, Scrabbles, Draft, Ludo, etc. amongst other indoor games.

Additionally, learners are also permitted to select and belong to a club of their choice to explore, experiment, practicalize and socialize. Among the clubs available in the school are: Junior Engineers, Technicians and Scientists Club (JETS Club, for Science Students); Literary, Press and Debating Club, Entrepreneurial/Home Makers Club, Music and Arts Club, Drama Club, United Nations Educational, Science and Cultural Organization Club (UNESCO Club), the Young Farmers Club and Mathematics Club.